
Northern Municipal Power Agency (NMPA) and its participating municipals offer a wide array of energy efficiency and conservation programs through PowerSavers.

Since 2010, the PowerSavers utilities have helped consumers save more than 150 million kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Utilities across the state of Minnesota are required to reduce electricity sales by 1.5% each year based on the most recent three-year weather normalized energy sales. The PowerSavers program has delivered at or above the 1.5% savings target since the goal went into effect in 2010.
Energy experts within the program work with residential, business and industrial consumers to find specific ways to reduce energy usage. Incentives are available for consumers who make qualifying energy efficiency or conservation improvements.

The participating utilities offer consistent programs designed to make an immediate impact on residential and commercial electricity usage. The programs provide options for a variety of different consumers, ranging from low-income residents to the region’s largest employers. Local schools and farms have also benefited.
Residential programs provide incentives to choose high-efficiency equipment at the time of normal equipment replacement or major renovations. Some of these technologies include heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, domestic hot water heaters and Energy Star® clothes washers. Simple improvements, such as the installation of high-efficiency light bulbs, low-flow showerheads and high-efficiency faucet aerators, are also supported.

Incentives for business owners cover a wide range of commercial equipment, including qualifying high-efficiency HVAC technologies, lighting, motors and drives, variable speed drives and food service equipment.

In many cases, the expertise provided by the PowerSavers utility is just as valuable as the incentive.

Click here for current PowerSavers program details.
about nmpa

Northern Municipal Power Agency is the wholesale energy supplier for 12 municipal utilities located in eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota.

contact us

Northern Municipal Power Agency
123 2nd Street West
Thief River Falls, MN 56701

(218) 681-0963


Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.